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ATMC, a leading provider of educational services, announces the discontinuation of the ACS Professional Year Program (PYP) after a successful tenure. This program, renowned for equipping recent international graduates in  IT with essential work readiness skills, will no longer accept new enrolments. Existing students will be supported through a teach out to complete their coursework and internship.

This decision is a result of extensive deliberation, influenced by changes in policy and the current economic climate. Despite these difficulties, ATMC remains committed to the principles and goals of the PYP and values our association with the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs, as well as the accrediting professional body, Australian Computer Society

ATMC expresses gratitude for the opportunity to deliver this impactful program and remains open to future collaborations that could revive and sustain a high-quality offering in this domain.

Please note, this decision is specific to the ACS PY Program and does not affect any other ATMC business units or partnerships.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]



  1. Are we able to finish our program?
    Yes – All current students will be supported to complete their PY course in which they enrolled. It is expected that all current students will complete their course by the end of November 2024.
  1. Is there a November intake of PY Students?
    No, from 20 November 2023 there will be no more enrolments into the PY Program.
  1. How will we be supported?
    We reassure that we are prioritizing the well-being of our current PY students and are committed to ensuring our successful completion of the program. We will provide ongoing support, including classroom experience, assessment support and internship assistance, to minimize any disruptions caused by the program’s termination.
  1. I am currently completing my internship – will I get affected by this?
    No. You are not affected by this. We are taking required steps to ensure continuity for students currently completing or about to commence an internship. Our commitment is to providing practical learning experiences and supporting students’ professional development. By allowing these students to continue their internships until completion, we are providing them with valuable opportunities to apply their classroom knowledge in real-world settings, gain industry experience, and build professional networks.
  1. I have almost finished my coursework and I am about to commence an internship. Will an internship be sourced for me?
    Yes, we are committed to source internships for those students who require an internship, other than Employment Based or Self Sourced.
  1. What if I miss a class?
    You will still be in contact with our Student Support Team and Teach Out Team to provide you with various options available for you if you miss a class. Much respect and consideration will be given to the timetable and course completion dates here.
  1. Will my assessment marking be delayed?
    No, our academic team will be closely working with all current students to assist and support for assessment and markings will be done I timely manner.
  1. I have a question that has not been answered by these FAQs – Where can I seek this help?
    You can raise a ticket or directly send an email to pyteachout@atmc.edu.au
    Our team is keeping a track of this inbox and will be able to assist you further.
  1. Why is this the first we are hearing of this cessation of the PY Program?
    The decision to end the PY Program was a thoughtful and considered one, made after careful evaluation of its viability, government policies, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. ATMC enjoyed delivering PY and took pride in providing the wonderful student experience.

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Practical classes

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Flexible payment plan

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Flexible start
dates and timetables
